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16 stories

Harry’s Dirty Amendment

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In the same week as it was posited that a “literal reading” of the First Amendment would likely guarantee the right’s extension to robots and to drones, Senate Democrats moved to remove the protection from a pair of living, breathing human beings. On Thursday, majority leader, Harry Reid announced that he was now on board with a plan to amend the Bill of Rights. “Let’s keep our elections from becoming speculative ventures for the wealthy,” Reid implored of his colleagues, “and put a stop to the hostile takeover of our democratic system by a couple of billionaire oil barons.”Those “oil
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3724 days ago
Corrupted officials in power will fight anyone and anything to maintain their power, often via corrupt means.
Phoenix, AZ
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The VA’s Deadly Bureaucratic Drones

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At least 40 American veterans are dead thanks to bureaucratic delays at Veterans Affairs clinics. But you wouldn’t know it from the bland and bloodless demeanor of VA Secretary General Eric Shinseki at a Senate hearing Thursday. He droned on like an apathetic office manager fielding complaints about the copier’s being jammed.Shinseki told the Senate panel that he “can’t remember” getting warnings from federal watchdogs last fall about ghost clinics and double-scheduling schemes. He said he was “not aware” of explosive book-cooking allegations like the ones at a Fort Collins, Colo., VA facility, where employees were ordered to make their
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3725 days ago
This administration can change this...or not.
Phoenix, AZ
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Not Surprisingly . . .

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. . . Harry Reid’s assertion that the Kochs are a main cause of climate change doesn’t quite check out.
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3732 days ago
Sen. Reid uses false information to attack Koch Industries.
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ABC: But 'Assault Weapons' Bans Just Make Guns Look Different!

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Headline of the day from ABC New York: "After NY Gun Control Law, Assault Rifles Only Look Different." The story:A month after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, New York passed a set of gun control laws that proponents touted as the toughest in the nation.Now some critics say one part of the law – the assault rifle ban – is not effective because new models being made to comply with the law are almost entirely the same as those that were banned. "The guns are exact," said Long Island gun dealer Martin Tretola.
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3732 days ago
A law poorly written will not garner results.
Phoenix, AZ
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Meanwhile, In Hollywood...

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Michelle Malkin writes about the wink-and-a-nod way Hollywood treats its own child-sex cult....
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3733 days ago
Somehow I am not surprised...
Phoenix, AZ
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Teach Holocaust Denial and be Proud of It

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Per the Associated Press:After heavy opposition to an eighth grade essay assignment, a spokeswoman for a California school district says students will not be asked to argue that the Holocaust didn't happen.Syeda Jafri (zy-EE'-dah JAF'-ree) tells the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin ( http://bit.ly/1nZnl2r ) that the superintendent of the Rialto Unified School District will make sure all references to the Holocaust not occurring will be stricken from any current or future assignment.The Daily Bulletin wrote about the assignment on Friday, causing a firestorm of opposition from parents and groups like the Anti-Defamation League.The original assignment was to do some research,
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3733 days ago
Interesting take.
Phoenix, AZ
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